Friday, November 30, 2007

Isn't Having Fun Enough Reason Alone?

Sam said...

Is there ever a time simply having fun is reason enough? Only today an article on executive laugh classes featured. Why not just have some fun?

Sam posed this a couple of topics back. One of the reasons you could justify a more creative approach to interviewing is interviewer burnout. I've been in organisations where individual staff have groaned at the prospect of doing yet another interview round and going through similar styles of questions with yet another batch of applicants.

The usual cautions would remain of course. To me the activity should still inform you about the applicants in some manner but certainly all should enjoy.

The only caveat I could think of would be in the unique situation where a corporation, faced with choosing between two applicants, decided to hire them both but thought to have a little fun on what would have been the last interview round.

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